
Starting medications is like the bliss of marriage and stopping them is like the agony of divorce. - Doug Danforth

Deprescribing Resources

Below are links to other resources and literature around polypharmacy and deprescribing.
Canadian Pharmacists Journal Revuedes Pharmaciens du Canada-2013-Farrell-243-4.pdf
Clinical Practice Guidelines Quality Care for Older Patients with Multiple Comorbid diseases.pdf
Contemporary Subjects_575_583.pdf
Decision Making About Change Medication for Comorbid Disease at End of Life An Integrative Review.pdf
Deprescribing-Trials Methods to reduce Polypharmacy Impact on prescribing clinical outcomes 2012.pdf
Discontinuing Medications A Novel Approach for Revising Prescribing Stage of Medication use process.pdf
Drug-related problems in the frail elderly.pdf
E-Prescribing-Other Forms of Technology to Reduce Inappropriate Medication Use Polypharm in older people review of current evidence.pdf
Effect of outpatient pharmacists non-dispensing roles on Patient Outcomes and Prescribing Paterns-Review.pdf
Emergency Hospitalizations for Adverse Drug Events in Older Americans.pdf
Evidence-Based Medicine-EBM What Long-term Care Providers Need to Know.pdf
Grey Polypharmacy Potentially Inappropriate Medication in Elderly Across Practice-Setting Spectrum.docx
Grey Reducing Certain Medications Makes Huge Difference For Some Dementia Patients AHS.docx
How are all those medications affecting your Older Patient.pdf
Inappropriate prescribing criteria detection and prevention.pdf
Incidence of polypharmacy in a long-term care facility 2012.pdf
Incidence severity preventability of medication-related visits to emergency dept.pdf
Interventions to Improve Appropriate Use of Polypharmacy for Older People-Review.pdf
Medication Adherence is a Partnership Medication Compliance is not.pdf
Medications in Long-Term Care When Less is More.pdf
Multidisciplinary Medication Review Guide Final2013(2).doc
Patient-Accessible Tool for Shared Decision Making in Cardiovascular Primary Prevention.pdf
Paying for Performance in Nursing Homes Dont Throw the Baby out with the bathwater.pdf
Polypharmacy-Lit Citations.docx
Polypharmacy-Lit Citations Author.docx
Polypharmacy adverse-drug reactions geriatric.pdf
Polypharmacy optimizing medication use in elderly.pdf
Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation 2009.pdf
Prioritizing and stopping prescription medicines Analysis-CMAJ.pdf
Propensity Scores polypharm ClinicalTherapeutics-31-9-2009.pdf
Qualitative insights into general practitioners views on polypharmacy_1471-2296-11-65.pdf
Quality indicators for appropriate medication use invulnerable elders.pdf
Stopping Medication In The Elderly-ABHB practical Guidance May2013 NHSWales.pdf
Strategies for reducing polypharmacy in older adults.pdf
Updating the Beers criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults-results of a US consensus panel of experts.pdf